Team Human
All your projects are in the hands of our dream makers, an engineering and design team, who will take charge of turning your ideas into realities

Industrial Designer
Founder and CEO of Human Bionics

Systems Engineer
Director of the Systems and Programming Department

Industrial Designer
Director of the Advertising and Design Department

Mechatronics Engineer
Director of the Department of Robotics and Electronics
Carlos Escalante Higuera
Managing Director of Human Bionics and MAEC Japan (Maruichi Aerial Engineer company)
Technical Engineer in Industrial Design graduated from the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona, Spain. With an undergraduate degree in Industrial Designer from the Javeriana University of Bogotá. He specialized in Product Design and Production Processes at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, in Barcelona; Master in Design of Transport Vehicles and mobility at -Elisava- School of Industrial Design in Barcelona and a postgraduate degree in Ecodesign, environmental improvement of products and processes at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona. He also has a specialty in “Philosophy of Mind and Consciousness” from the University of Barcelona in order to develop better concepts in the industrial, personal and commercial fields.
He has more than 20 years of experience developing projects in different companies around the world such as Rolls Royce designing aircraft turbines in Madrid / Derby UK, Ferrari designing cockpits for the F1 team in Maranello, Italy, BMW designing sunroof for the luxury line of the brand, Jaguar Land Rover directing teams for the construction of the Discovery in the UK, Design of trains and Metros for Alstom France, FIAT designing and developing rearview mirrors in Sao Paulo Brazil, Toys for the companies Marvel, Disney, Disney Pixar, Mattel, Power rangers, and internal project for the company IMC Toys in Terrassa-Barcelona among others.

Software Skills
- NX Siemens – Certified by Siemens. 90%
- Catia V5 – PLM Certification. 80%
- Solidedge- Certified by Siemens. 65%
Illustration Skills
- Technical Plans – European Regulations 90%
- Conceptual Drawing 85%
- Hands 70%
- Spanish 100%
- English 85%
- French 60%
Software skills
- NX Siemens – Certified by Siemens. 90%
- Catia V5 – PLM Certification. 80%
- Solidedge- Certified by Siemens. 65%
- Spanish 100%
- English 85%
- French 60%
María Del Mar Valbuena Gómez
Director of the Advertising and Design Department
Industrial Designer of the University of Research and Development, has different mentions, such as:
- Outstanding Project in the Eighth Open Hall of Industrial Design.
- Outstanding Project in the Eighth Open Hall of Industrial Design. Development – June 2018.
- Honorable Mention for Meritorious Degree Project.
She has accompanied us in the company for more than two years, exercising her role as Director of the Advertising and Design Department, in which she is responsible for the interface design for all the applications we develop in Human Bionics, in a co-creative work with the Systems and Programming Department.
Performs and supervises the production of graphic content that accompanies each of our products, such as logos, packaging, brochures, instruction manual, sliders, banners, promotional videos, among others. Together with the prototype team, it is responsible for the physical appearance of the products, in order to offer products that achieve the balance between the functional and the aesthetic.

- Office 90%
- Suite by Adobe 80%
- Rhinoceros 65%
- Planning 90%
- Leadership 85%
- Team work 80%
- Spanish 100%
- English 65%
- Office 90%
- Suite by Adobe 80%
- Rhinoceros 65%
- Planning 90%
- Leadership 85%
- Team work 80%
Juan David Daza Flórez
Director of the Department of Robotics and Electronics
Mechatronics Engineer from the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga, he works in electronic circuit design, embedded systems programming, mechanical design, CAD modeling, finite element analysis, software development, and IoT development.
He has experience in prototype development in all its stages; conceptualization and specification of the needs of the project, selection of components, design of electronic circuit and elaboration of PCB’s (by CNC), design of mechanical components and production by additive manufacturing, development of embedded software, and integration and assembly of the final prototype.

CAD and simulation Software
- SolidWorks 90%
- Simulink 85%
- Fusion 360 80%
- AutoCAD 65%
Electronic Design Software
- Altium 90%
- Proteus 90%
- EasyEDA 85%
- Eagle 80%
Programming Languages
- C/C++ 90%
- MatLAB 85%
- Phyton 80%
- JavaScript 70%
CAD and simulation software
- SolidWorks 90%
- Simulink 85%
- Fusión 360 80%
- AutoCAD 65%
Programming Languages
- C/C++ 90%
- MatLAB 85%
- Phyton 80%
- JavaScript 70%
Carlos Andrés Rey Bermúdez
Director of the Systems and Programming Department
Systems engineer, graduated from the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga, has experience in the structuring of digital platforms and database development.
He has creative skills, which allow him to propose interactive application designs with clear interfaces for the user and that allow him to improve the experience.
As director of the Systems and Programming Department at Human Bionics, he is in charge of planning, supervising and executing the development of the platforms, software and applications on the different servers.
In collaborative work with the Department of Robotics and Electronics, he is in charge of connecting through programming, the different applications that allow the control and administration of our products.

- Flutter 90%
- Android Studio 80%
- Git Hub 65%
- Labor productivity 90%
- Time management 85%
- Creative thinking 85%
Programming languages
- Java 90%
- Dart 80%
- FLutter 90%
- Android Studio 80%
- Git Hub 65%
Programming languages
- Java 90%
- Dart 85%